Proverbs 6:10-11 says, "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man".

Laziness comes on gradually. It happens to normal people who begin making little surrenders in daily decisions.
These little surrenders seem totally harmless - staying in bed just a little longer, taking a little more rest during the day, waiting a few more minutes before starting a project, or spending a little more time in idle chatter. Soon the little choices which are carefully reasoned away become a habit of life.
These daily surrenders come from making the soft choices in life.
Not valuing the importance of time or seasons. One day is as good as another, with the attitude that what we do not do today can just as easily be done tomorrow. The basic philosophy we have is to live for the moment and let the future take its own course, without considering that we must one day give account to God for the way that we have used our time.
Not finishing our tasks. We can become lethargic in everything we do. Each job becomes a mountain in our path, not a door of opportunity.
We have wishful thinking. Our desires are self motivated to do and get only the things that are related to our own sensual pleasures.
We bring painful damage to our employers because of our lack of initiative and follow-through, which become very costly to those who are counting on us.
We often hide behind excuses such as "I am afraid" - when in reality the problem is laziness. Matthew 25:24-26 The servant who received one talent and hid it in the ground under the excuse of fear was told by the Master that he was wicked and lazy and idle. Resist the temptation to put things off that need to be done. Life is a race against time. We will only win the race if we realize the following:
Time is limited
Death is certain
The second coming of Christ is even more certain
The maximum number of productive years is established by God (Psalm 90:10)
Days must be counted (Psalm 90:12)
Time requires accountability
Time is entrusted for God's work (John 9:4)
Time is unrecoverable.
TIME no respecter of persons: No one receives more hours in a day than another. not recoverable: Every hour that is lost is gone forever.