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Let's Do A Heart Test

Our Heart Is The Control Center and

the Deciding Factor in the Quality of Our Life.

There is a place inside of you, a hidden place, that the Bible calls your "heart." And the Bible tells us something truly amazing that the heart is where the miraculous is released into our lives. You'll find all through God's Word that God designed the heart to be the control center of your life.

There is a physical heart and a spiritual heart, and physically speaking, the heart is the most important bodily organ. Spiritually speaking, I believe the heart is the most important aspect of the spiritual body.

The condition of our heart is not changed by changing things around us, rather it's accomplished by changing what is in us.

What we will have in our life tomorrow will be determined by what is in our heart today!

We may not always think about it this way, but our heart contains a very precious commodity - OUR FUTURE!

Being born again, asking Jesus to come into our heart and lead and direct our life is just the beginning of a changed heart. If we want to grow and change, we also have to renew our mind by reading the Bible, believe what it says and then act on the truths that are revealed to us. In Scripture, The Lord compares our heart to a garden in Jeremiah 31:12. In one parable, Jesus says your heart is like soil; if you plant the right seeds, you will bring forth good fruit - some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold. (Matthew 13: 23). The seed is always the same - the Word of God (the Bible) - but the condition of your heart determines how much you produce. Some hearts are hard (stony ground), and some are shallow and look good for a little while, but don't last. Uprooting that which God did not plant is critical to protecting the garden of your heart and maintaining a healthy heart. Hebrews: 3: 7-8 the Holy Spirit says: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts..." Hebrews 3:12 - says: "See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. Above, we see two wrong conditions of the heart - a hard heart and an unbelieving heart. The second condition is a major problem because everything we receive from God comes through believing. To receive from Him, we must come to Him in simple, childlike faith and just believe. A person with a hard heart sometimes has difficulty showing mercy to people when they fail. They are more likely to be demanding and rule oriented, having been wounded and hurt emotionally themselves. When our heart is soft, we are not afraid to listen and take counsel, and are able to receive. We don't have to act like we know it all.

Proverbs 4:23 says

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

We are to guard our hearts from old thoughts, feelings and behaviors we know have been a problem. The Bible says that a cheerful heart is good medicine to our flesh. Proverbs 17:22. If you are like me, you don't have any extraordinary gifts or talent, but if we have a heart after God, great things can happen in our lives. It's not our physical or intellectual abilities that will decide our future, it is our heart.

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